About ParentED Fest

ParentED Fest brings together some of the most renowned international parenting and life coaching experts, offering an unparalleled opportunity for learning and growth.

Whether you’re a new parent, a seasoned caregiver, or simply interested in the latest research in child development, ParentEd Fest is designed to inspire and equip you on your parenting journey.

Becoming a parent is a lifetime adventure and challenge: it comes with tears of pain and frustration, but tears of happiness too. It comes with constant fear and uncertainty, with feelings of guilt, but also pride and inexplicable fulfillment.

Most of the time, it comes with the constant feeling that you should do more and better for your children. That you should offer them all the tools and opportunities you can, so that they get the best chance at life.

And what most parents don’t see from the beginning of this journey is that, more often than not, that desire begins with you! The parent. You are the one who needs to become a better person for your child. You are the one who needs to achieve better education, better coping skills, better health – so you can pass them on to your children. The best of you if the best for them.

From this point of view, as parenting expert and bestseller author Dr Shefali says, “The parent-child relationship is one of the most powerful tools for transformation available to us.”

And this is where our journey begins:

We put to work all our skills and knowledge and came up with a place dedicated to empowering parents with the information, tools, and support they need to raise happy, healthy and resilient children. And that place is called ParentEd Fest, the largest parenting festival in Romania, bringing you globally acclaimed speakers right here, on a stage near you.

The Festival was founded by Urban Mowgli, the platform that commits to developing the parenting culture in Romania and informing parents about the latest research in the parenting world.

Urban Mowgli was developed by Diana Bălan, attachment and science-based parenting advocate, from the desire to help Romanian parents foster wholesome relationships with their children.

Why Attend

International Speakers

Unique opportunity to see and interact live with parenting expert and bestseller author Dr. Shefali

Engaging Topics

Hear from globally recognized speakers, bestselling authors and leading psychologists who are at the forefront of parenting science and practice.

Best Content

Each session is crafted to provide practical advice, evidence-based strategies and inspiring stories that you can apply in your everyday life.


Opportunities for networking and connection: engage, share experiences and build a support network that will last long after the event.

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